A long, but rocky relationship is threatened to end forever when Chase, a good-looking, wealthy English man comes into the lives of Sarah and Timothy. Hard choices must be chosen that could lead to lives torn apart, yet understanding and a willingness to work for a solution is all but impossible whe...
A long, but rocky relationship is threatened to end forever when Chase, a good-looking, wealthy English man comes into the lives of Sarah and Timothy. Hard choices must be chosen that could lead to lives torn apart, yet understanding and a willingness to work for a solution is all but impossible when the two come together.
Tempers are quick and patience runs thin, yet the heart wants what it wants. For Sarah Miller, the oldest of the Miller sisters, this means yearning for a resolution, and secrets that may yet need be revealed. If only Timothy, could make her decision for her, she’ll have the future she yearns for, in this sweet, Amish Romance.
This is a sweet, clean Amish romance, new from Emma Maas. She is the author of multiple #1 Amish best-sellers (in the Longings for Faith Trilogy).