Download for FREE with Kindle UnlimitedJust when things can't seem to get any worse, they do. Nothing is working out the way Ellie hopes for, but maybe that's what she knew would happen anyway, as Simon could never seem to commit to anything. And now he's just proving her worst fears for true.Then h...
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Just when things can’t seem to get any worse, they do. Nothing is working out the way Ellie hopes for, but maybe that’s what she knew would happen anyway, as Simon could never seem to commit to anything. And now he’s just proving her worst fears for true.
Then her sister Elizabeth runs off after suffering something horrible, and it seems the whole community goes looking for her–including both Simon and Jacob, making things even more awkward amidst the panic that has gripped her family’s hearts in the search for Ellie’s sister. Has she just run off? Or is it something more sinister?
But as Elizabeth struggles to understand her place in the Amish life, Jacob plays a new role in the lives of them all, especially helping Elizabeth to discover new things about herself. From Simon to Ellie, and Jacob to Elizabeth, all four of them must reconcile what they feel, with what they know to be right.
Surprises abound, some good and some bad. But life must go on…as they all have a life ahead. But where will they be, and who will they spend it with?
It all comes together in book 3 of “Ellie’s Hopes”, a series about love, life, and consequences. It’s a clean, wholesome story of Amish Romance by Emma Maas.